Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday: The Last Worship

Today Attila and I spent the morning going over all the partnership plans, needs, and dreams.

In the evening, we went to Istvan and Dora's home (this is also the home of Zozo, Isthi, Lala and Esther(their child, Miriam) for the Monday Night Gypsy Worship. As usual they invited us for dinner before the meeting. As always, we had a meat feast of sausage, pork, chicken (the spices that they use on the meat is a secret). Man, is it really good. Dora topped the dinner off to two delicious desserts: one apple cake (melted in your mouth) and walnut cake--Two of my very favorites.

The people started to arrive around 7 PM. Soon the two rooms were packed with people. Zozo played the guitar and we sang. Again, they love to sing and it shows. The atmosphere is hard to describe: great joy, great emotion and a singing that believes the message of the song. I don't know how many songs we sang. All I know is that at the end of the worship--Attila announced the last song and we sang at least two more songs. They sent their greetings to all our partners. This was a great way to end my journey in Romania.

Tomorrow, I leave for home in the afternoon. Attila and Adel doing a great job in the mission. This was the first time to be with Attila and Adel after their marriage. No doubt that God brought them together. No doubt of their commitment to serving Him.

I ask your prayers as I travel to Cluj tomorrow to fly to Bucharest and then Amsterdam. On Wednesday morning, I fly from Amsterdam to Detroit and then to Greenville. I will miss my brothers and sisters in Christ here. From Oradea to Reghin it has been a great journey of faith and worship. After ten years of Teleios Ministry serving in Romania, God still is bringing new dreams to life.

Unfortunately, tonight is one of those times that my camera decided to be fuzzy.


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