Monday, August 21, 2017

A Day of Worship and Praise!

Musicians playing cowhide drums and 
a gear "cymbal" lead in praise and worship. 

Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017
Worship at Birisha Baptist Church, a wooden slat church near Bernard and Mary’s house, welcomed Kim, Bonnie and Floyd this morning. This was our first time to worship with them.
The music was “true African” as the pastor said. Cowhide drums, “cymbal,” and a lot of dancing and joy helped create such a powerful time of worship as Bonnie brought greetings to the church from our Hungarian, Romanian and Roma (Gypsy) sisters and churches, the Tanzanian women, and from family and churches from the United States.
Kim shared her life in Jesus Christ and greetings. Floyd brought the message. The church provided a “true Kenyan meal” of lentils with beef, lentils, chapatti and watermelon. All topped off with a full cup of chai.

The pastor’s wives started arriving for their week of workshops and training with Bonnie and Kim at Bernard and Mary’s house. This is the fulfillment of the vision of hosting groups for training and fellowship. 
The eight women and two babies arrived in the afternoon. They met late into the night catching up with each other and Bonnie and getting to know Kim. This week’s topics are “How to Study the Bible for Personal Growth” and “The Gospel of John.” Please pray that the Holy Spirit will fill these sessions and continue to guide these women as they serve Him.

 Kim and Bonnie bring greetings to members 
of the Birisha Baptist Church.

 James shares his testimony with the church.

 Floyd delivers the message during the service.

 Teens in the Birisha youth group 
share a song in the service.

Members of the Birisha Baptist Church have
 faithfully been working to construct their 
building for five years.

 Bonnie and Kim gather with the Kieni West 
Pastors' Wives as they arrived for the workshops.


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