Awesome First Day of Camp
What at awesome first day of Holiday Bible Camp with Daily Bread Life Children's Home, Asante Sana Children's Home, and Bread of Life Secondary School. The day began early with Bread of Life Secondary leaving at 6 AM for safari at Ruaha National Park--they saw a lion! The Asante Sana Children's Home had to leave at 6:30 AM in order to travel to camp.
The Camp theme is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made as we learn about how God has made us and works in our lives through the five senses. Today we focused on Sight and the story of Bartimeaus in Mark 10. In opening big group the children learned were introduced to the theme, the week to come, and new song. They really enjoyed this.
We had rotation of Recreation led by Don and Don Brenner, our father-son team, Crafts led by Kelly Dillavou and Martha Nelson, and Academics lead by Bonnie Parker. Floyd Parker and Lane Lesh kept things flowing and moving. Each rotation had translators and the staff to help with the children. The day was a great team effort.
Lane Lesh led the closing session wrapping up the day. Then, it was lunch!
Big NEWS! Don Brenner's (the son) bag arrived from its travels. Now he has cloths for the trip!
We are all looking forward to Tuesday. Thank you for your prayers.
Lane Lesh led the closing session wrapping up the day. Then, it was lunch!
Big NEWS! Don Brenner's (the son) bag arrived from its travels. Now he has cloths for the trip!
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