Sunday, June 04, 2017

We Made It! to Daily Bread Life Children's Home, Iringa!

After coming from Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, Greenville, and Simpsonville, we gathered at Charlotte Airport to begin our safari to Daily Bread Life Children's Home.   Three planes, five airports, one hotel, and 11 hours of driving we MADE IT!. 

We overcome delayed flights, long lights, near misses on the highway, and a break down "not far" from DBLCH.   Everyone is excited and ready to begin camp. 

Mpeli, Maka, and Roy met us at the airport.   All arrived except Donnie's suitcase.   It got off for a quick vacation at Kilimanjaro Airport and arrives tomorrow.    After a very quick night, we left at 4 am for our journey that ended safely at Neema and Mpeli's house.   We rested just a little and then were greeted with the most awesome welcome anywhere--the welcoming singing of the DBLCH children and staff.   After hugs, handshakes, and greetings, Bonnie was surprised with a Birthday cake.  Her birthday occured as we flew across Europe and Africa.   But that did not stop DLCH from celebrating a day later.

Sunday was a great day of worship with Kidetete Church.  The Bread of Life Secondary School Choirs led in an awesome time of worship.   From there, we traveled across Iringa to worship at ACTS Fellowship, Iringa.   This afternoon, we spent time with our Tanzanian team partners going over camp beginning tomorrow morning.  

We can wait!  Big NEWS: Samuel, Mpeli's and Neema's youngest son graduated from High School Saturday night! 


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