Friday, June 16, 2017

Kibisi Pastor-Leaders Conference, Tukuyu, Tanzania

Bonnie, Floyd, Mpeli, and Neema spent three life-changing days with pastors and leaders in Tukuyu at the Kibisi Baptist Church. Daily Bread Life was the sponsor of the conference who theme was Effective Leaders for This Century. The three days were filled with praise, worship, and teaching. Bonnie led in the disciplines for effective leadership. Floyd led in how to be an effective leader in this time.
Duncan and Pawdre Scout were the organizers of the conference along with Stephen and Raymond. Bishop Ephraim Mwasasu was the leader of the conference. Pastors and leaders from across Tanzania gathered (mostly the southern Highlands area).
The presence of God's Spirit was evident throughout the conference. Thank you for your prayers and support in making this dream of Harry Mwasanjala come true along with the Daily Bread Life team.


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