Friday, January 17, 2014

Return From Safari!

Hello! We have returned to Iringa from Mwagusi Safari Camp in Ruaha National Park. What an experience we had! We are excited to share our safari story and pictures with you.

Upon arriving at camp, we were greeted with lunch and then headed to our Bandas (tents) to rest before going out on an evening drive. On the way to our evening safari, one of our group (aka: "Cookie Monster") became very excited to find a "cheetah paw print" in the sand. In the midst of her excitement, it was quickly brought to her attention that the "paw print" was from a very rare and magnificent pair of Nike Shocks - shoes worn by Trey! Needless to say, she was not the one tracking the animals. Lucky for us, the staff and guides at Mwagusi where very, very good.

After an exciting afternoon safari, the group returned to camp. The camp provided an excellent environment for a perfect evening in the bush. Dinner was served with a full moon lighting the sky and tables set overlooking the river bed making it a breathtaking experience for all. After dinner, the staff had to escort the group back to their tents due to roaming animals.

The morning started off with a breathtaking sunrise. When we left later that morning for safari, it was raining, but we did find a group of lions which made us forget the rain. These large animals seemed to pay no mind to their visitors allowing the trucks to get very close. This made for some great pictures. The rain quickly let up allowing everyone to see many more great animals. While we were on safari, Kip, Kim, Floyd, and Bonnie were in Iringa meeting with the staff at DBLCH and Mpeli and Neema. The meetings were very productive and helped plan for the future of DBLCH.

Although everyone enjoyed safari, they were eager to return to the children and continue to build relationships, and worship with them. Tomorrow we look forward to spending the day with the children and staff of DBLCH on a more personal and playful level. All work and no play is bad for the soul, so tomorrow is Play Day!

Greater Kudu


Look closely! The Zebra had been attacked
by a lion the night before!


Walking by the river bed!  

Down time! Just don't tell the General.

2,000 year old "Lion King Tree" - Chris
Baobab Tree
We were lucky to see cheetahs as they are rare and hard to find.



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