Thursday, January 16, 2014

Asante Sana, Safari Njema, and Appreciation

Habari?  This morning we left early for the Asante Sana Children's Home in Nzihi on the road to Ruaha National Park. We received a very enthusiastic and warm welcome from the staff and children as they sang for the team and danced a traditional Hehe dance as they sang.  Many children took advantage of so many open laps as they found a place to sit.

Scholastica and Pwadre Scout welcomed us to the Children's Home and the Chairman of the Village, Lazaro, officially welcomed us. We were presented with necklaces for the all the men and key chains for the ladies. 

Kip Miller spoke to the staff and children. The staff was presented with gifts of appreciation of their service to the children. Kim Miller presented each staff member with a handcarved Christmas ornament made from olive wood that the Millers had purchased in Israel. The staff really appreciated the recognition and the gift.

After a delicious breakfast of homemade chicken soup and bread, the Eastern team headed off to Ruaha. They arrived safely. Word back from the safari is that they did see a cheetah.  

Kim, Kip, Bonnie, Floyd, and Mpeli headed back to Iringa for a meeting. Kip, Floyd, and Mpeli, met with the Honorable Steven Mhala, the Iringa District Rural Mayor. He was chosen by his other 34 councilors from the villages in the Iringa area to be the Rural Mayor. Kidetete and Nzihi are in this area. He has been very supportive in the development of the Bread of Life Secondary School.   Without his help, none of the work could have been accomplished in such a short time.  

In the afternoon, Kip, Kim, and Floyd met with the staff of Daily Bread Life Children's Home and expressed our appreciation to them. This was followed by evening worship.  

Eight of us, Mpeli, Neema, Sam (their son), Nicole (like a daughter), Kim, Kip, Bonnie and Floyd enjoyed a meal at a local restaurant. Jonas was given the day and evening off. We are excited for him. Today was a long, beautiful day. 


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