Thursday, January 21, 2016

Safari to Mbeya and Tukuyu to meet the FAMILIES

Five Pastors and Church Planters
Zsolt with James Mwaisumbe
Wednesday, we headed off to Mbeya and Preston headed to the Iringa airport for this flights home.    The trip to Mbeya was full of new things for Attila and Zsolt.    The changing villages, “local” grilled chicken, and bush bathrooms.    When we arrived in Mbeya we checked in at the Beaco Resort (our preferred place to stay in Mbeya), then we headed off to see Mpeli’s father, James and his new wife.   Bonnie had not met her.   We always have a great time with James.   Attila and Zsolt asked James Mwaisumbe about church planting.   He shared with them his life as a church planter and his philosophy of planting churches.   The time with him was very rewarding and we enjoyed the time very much. 
Thursday morning began with a traditional breakfast at a local restaurant of soup and chapati.   Attila and Zsolt were introduced to goat soup.   Neither one of them liked it very much.    Zsolt even had a prize in his soup of a piece of goat stomach!   These two Hungarians gave it try but could not enjoy it.   Attila said, “It was too new for him!”   They both loved the chapati. 
We then drove from Mbeya to the Tukuyu and the Mwasanjala family (Bonnie’s adopted family)—Neema’s family.   Bonnie met Harry’s new wife, Monica.    Bonnie was reunited with 4 of the 5 Mwasanjala sisters.   Attila and Zsolt were fascinated by the banana trees and the huge bamboo.    They were able to see them up close along with coffee and tea.    We visited Bonnie’s property near Harry’s house.    Then, Harry talked with Attila and Zsolt about marriage, polygamy, and Baptist practices in Tanzania.   They all had a great time together.   
Attila and Zsolt seemed to really like lunch better than breakfast.   We had roasted chicken, beef stew, banana stew, fresh pineapple and bananas, rice, beans, and greens.   
On the way home, we did a little shopping.  Then got a shack dinner and ate together outside at the Beaco and just enjoyed being together—a lot of laughing and sharing together.    The time with Mpeli and Neema was great!   Two Hungarian pastors were invited and encouraged to return.    Tomorrow, we leave Tanzania and head to Kenya.    We fly from Mbeya to Dar es Salaam then Dar to Nairobi.   Then we drive to Nyeri in order to begin the Women’s Conference on Saturday.  
Neema introduces Mwaisumbes to Attila and Zsolt
Attila tempts Zsolt with goat stomach!

Zsolt, Attila and Mpeli with the Goat for Soup


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