Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sunday: Worship and the Children

Sunday was a full day. We headed off to Kidetete Church for worship. The Kidetete church is the "mother" of all that DBLCH is. Here that Mpeli and Floyd first met and vision began to come for DLBCH. After Kidetete the team headed off for worship with ACTS Fellowship in a village very close to Iringa. The team found itself moved by the passion, the praise and dancing, and sincerity of both churches.
After church, Charles and Elizabeth Wall, who are producing videos of the team experience and capturing the life of DLBCH, interviewed the children and took their photos. Some of the team chose to play soccer. They soon discovered the "passion" of DBLCH soccer. Hope to post some of these shots later. After everyone heals and catches their breath


Charles interviews Mpeli/Neema as Bonnie assists


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