Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday: The Gifts of God on the Last Day in Tanzania

Bonnie and Floyd traveled with Mpeli and Neema to Ilembo. The worship team joined us there for the last day of the conference. There were a lot of people at the conference today.  Twenty-two pastors and wives participated in the conference along with choir members, and other church members.  The people were really engaged today in the teaching and worship. Thec red shirt Church choir sanf about loving each other.  After the conference they presented Bonnie with a rice basket for cleaning rice and "hot" bowl basket. I, Floyd, was given a live chicken to take back with me.  After leaving the area, I was able to bless Chapa with a gift of the live chicken.
Bonnie tried carrying her new bowl on her head--like the other women. She walked all the way from the car to our room. The basket didn't fall.  She proudly proclaimed next a 5 gallon bucket of water or a bundle of sticks—maybe. 

Tomorrow morning we fly to Dar Es Salaam and then in the afternoon we fly to Nairobi to meet the Kabaru Family for a few days. We will try to keep you posted. Thank you for your prayers


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