Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tuesday: Visiting the Children's Homes

The week advanced rapidly and without any issues causing us to marvel. The children's behavior was exemplary and our Kenyan team members were great! After Monday's teaching about the amazing sense of sight and Jesus healing of Bartimaeus's physical blindness and "sinners" spiritual blindness, on Tuesday we moved on to study our ears and the wonderful ability to hear. Rebecca used tuning forks to demonstrate sound waves. Both workers and children were in awe. The children were assigned roles as the parts of the earfrom theouter ear to the brain. They "captured" sounds acting out how each part contributed to the help us hear.

Meg played games during the recreation rotation. One of the all time favorites is the "whistle Game." The children must listen for a series of blows from the whistle and group themselves accoridng to the number of blows. Those left out or making a mistake with the number are eliminated. The other game was finding bean bags while blindfolded by listening to the instruction of team mates. Everyday the games somehow must the sense being taught with stress on the need for teamwork and cooperation with one another in order to win. In crafts, Lucia had the children make Spanish castanets. They painted and assembled the "clackers" and made "music"! The Bible Story was about Hannah, Samuel, and Eli. The emphasis was three fold: 1)God hears and answers our prayers 2) God calls to each one of us--we hear His voice and answer 3)He give us a message to share with others and they can hear if we are obedient servants. The day closed with a delicious lunch of cabbage, rich, and lentels. The children were given "bug clickers". We workers walked home with the children from Happy Day Academy visiting with parents and other relatives. Floyd and Rebecca won the award fro the farthest walk--3.5 miles straight up and then back down! However they were afforded the gift fo a fresh, just killed chicken. Mary was quite upset when they told her they declined the gift. She was ready to send them back for it!


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