Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Monday: Happy Day! Part 2

The sunglasses give away proved to be a big hit with the children. In fact they were a big hit with everyone--as you can see.

What do Atlanta, Georgia, Stockholm, Sweden, and Limuru, Kenya, have in common?
Under ordinary circumstances, nothing. In God’s plans, everything.

In His time and in His way, God brought together seemingly random opportunities through a March conference in Atlanta and World Water Week in Stockholm to open the door for meetings during our week in Kenya with people who have the resources to help create life-changing options for many of those Teleios works with here.

Today, the team, along with Teleios partner Bernard Kabaru, had the pleasure of meeting Wanja Mburu, who Rebecca met in Atlanta. She and Wangari Wanbuga and her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Wanbuga, own Chujio Ceramics which makes the Chujio, a ceramic (or clay pot) water filter. For only $20, this filter can provide a household with clean, safe drinking water without needing chemicals, electricity, pipes or much space.

In addition, these water filters can safely produce good quality drinking water from marginal water supplies that are common in the rural areas throughout Kenya and other countries in Africa.

During our time together, we discussed possible distribution opportunities for the Chujio Water Filters and means of educating others in the local areas as to the benefits and simplicity of producing clean, safe drinking water with this affordable and accepted device.
In the evening, we had tea with Mrs. Jacqueline Musyoki who is the executive director of the Water Services Trust Fund of Kenya. Meg and Rebecca had the pleasure of meeting and talking with her following a presentation in Stockholm during the World Water Week symposium in August.

The WSTF helps finance the provision of water and sanitation service to underserved, low-income rural and urban areas of Kenya. In addition to simply providing needed funding for such projects, the goal of the WSTF is to help these marginalized villages and communities through capacity building for a more sustainable future by providing training and practical application in recognizing the benefits of how these approaches can improve not only the life of their community, but the individual lives of the people themselves.

Both of these exciting opportunities followed an incredible “first day” of Bible Camp. This year brought us to Happy Day Academy which is in Limuru.

Accepting that nothing is by accident, we know now the connection between Atlanta, Stockholm and Limuru and how God uses events in each of our lives to create opportunities to glorify Him.
Through the meetings of today, the seeds have been planted for further nurturing of visions that will hopefully blossom into realities of certainly providing access to clean water for the people of Kenya, but also to the realities of how the Living Water of Jesus Christ can change and sustain their lives.

We also wanted to share with you those who are preparing the tea times and lunch each day. They are doing an excellent job of feeding about 190 people twice a day. Their pictures and techniques are included here as an expression of our respect and our thankfulness.


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