Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday: So much to smell and taste

Wednesday's and Thursday's senses are closely related. The teachings in Academics were about how smells both good and bad contribute to our well-being. Each day Rebecca stressed how God has given us our sense to protect us and help us experience the world He has created. The children smelled many things and learned about the nose (Wed) and tasted many things (Thurs). By looking with mirrors they "investigated" their tongues locating the various taste buds: sweet, sour, bitter & salty. These were delightful days! Between the tasting in Academics and using food stuffs to make craft projects-eating all the while-they went home with full bellies.

The Bible story for Wednesday was the visit of the Wisemen bringing the fragrant gifts of frankencense & myrrh along with gold. It was one of the best days using dramas. The children really enjoy dressing up and acting out the story each day. They learn the daily Bible verse in English and Swahili. The two younger groups color pictures every day relating to the story.

With canned sardines and rolls left over from dinner the previous night, Bonnie taught the story of the loaves and fishes (Feeding 5000) on Thursday. How that hungry crowd savored the flavor of the brad and fish after a day of learning from Jesus! The children learned that all people regardless of age can offer whatever they have to Jesus. He will bless it and it can be used to meet the needs of others. With Jesus there is always an abundance --everyone's greatest need, spiritual hunger and forgiveness, is always met by Him.

In recreation, Steal the Bacon was a hit on smell day. One day it rained during the recreation rotation. Meg was so creative! She played Musical Bench under the outside shed--her own version of musical chairs using benches and a plastic water bottle filled with rocks! When the shaking (music) stops those without a place are eliminated. It worked rather nicely!


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