Monday, May 28, 2007

Eyes Opened...Teleios/Grace Africa '07

Day 3 Visits Give Us Much To See

"We're Walking Through Ruaka..." Bernard Kabaru leads the Teleios/Grace Team as they discuss opportunities within the community.

Matt Williams lends a hand on a construction site in the Ruaka area.

Today, we waited again for the luggage. But, great news came early in the morning - our bags were off vacation in London and actually in Nairobi!

We walked Ruaka. With deep, dark red soil beneath our feet we walked through the family plots of corn, beans, collards, banana trees. The homes we visited were so welcoming. Everywhere we went, they wanted to know why Pastor Kabaru did not let them know we were coming. Chai or sodas would have been prepared for us. Most of the homes were 10 x 10 feet for a family of six. A virus has hit the community and is having a serious impact upon the children. Please pray for their health. The reality of why a medical clinic is needed was evident.

The vision of a transformation center began to take shape in our minds as we saw the complexity of issues and the simplicity of the reality of need.



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