Sunday, December 03, 2006

Worshipping At Koinonia Baptist Church

What A Way To Begin A Week!

This morning found us rising early and heading to the Sunday morning worship service at Koinonia Baptist Church. It was truly a blessing in so many ways for each team member.

Despite the obvious language challenges, it soon became clear that speaking the same language isn't a requirement when you worship Jesus Christ. Our team was spread throughout the congregation and for more than three hours experienced a movement of the Holy Spirit in so many different ways...from the singing and testimonies to the welcoming of visitors and our sharing of greetings from our own churches to theirs to the sermon by Floyd and the special time of working toward a goal of obtaining property to provide an area that will help further the work of the church in that community.

Following this very moving worship service, the team and members from the church who would be working with the Vacation Bible School met to finalize the plans for the week.

Excitement and anticipation are truly in the air as we look forward to interacting with the children and spending time sharing God's word with them.


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