Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Day Of Dedication And Rejoicing!

People were lined up to attend the dedication service
of the new mission church building in Sandorhomok.

Testimonies of God's work in the fulfillment
of this dream were shared during the service.

Experiencing The Presence Of The Lord
The morning began with prayer and a worship service in Satu Mare. After the one hour and 15-minute prayer time, the morning worship service began and centered on the Lord’s Supper.

Floyd preached the preparation sermon for the Lord’s Supper from Romans 5:1-11 and Matthew 6:26. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so evident during the service. We had our first meal with the new co-pastor of Satu Mare and his wife and family, Sandor and Tunda Suzcs and their young sons, Daniel and Kristian. Please pray for them as they serve with the Satu Mare church.

In the afternoon, the new mission church building at Sanderhormok was opened and dedicated to the Lord. The emotion of the worship was very strong. The reported attendance was 70—this was a great blessing and opportunity to share Christ with the community. The Satu Mare Brass Band led in music as the congregation entered the church building for the first time. The worship service was filled with testimonies, singing, preaching of the Gospel, and prayer times. The church building was filled to overflowing—apparently the building may be already too small as many people came.

After three and one-half years of opposition from local religious leaders and local civic leaders, property for this mission church was purchased. Even today, the people of the village were warned that the “new church” was their enemy. Floyd preached from Acts 4:23-33.

We rushed to Satu Mare for the evening worship service. Bonnie shared greetings and a testimony. The service was filled with testimonies, children sharing poems, and a surprise visit by Zoltan Vekas. Zoltan came down to the worship service for about 10 minutes and greeted the church thanking them for their prayers and encouraging them to be faithful to the Lord.

The day was full but filled with a powerful movement of the Spirit of God in every service. Our partnership with the Satu Mare church was reaffirmed. The day was a celebration of the work of the partnership in the Gospel. The Satu Mare church sends their greetings to their brothers and sisters in Christ around the world with joy and encouragement to serve the Lord.

People gathered inside and outside the new building
and sang songs of praise to God's glory for all He has done
in the Sandorhomok area.
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