Monday, December 04, 2006

First Day Of Vacation Bible School Begins!

Excitement, Enthisiasm And Energy...

As with most "first days," this first day of Vacation Bible School at Koinonia Baptist Church was truly an experience. Taking all those discussions, plans and coordinating efforts and putting them into practice reminded us that the key word on this trip had to be flexibility.

And in the whole scheme of how everything played out during the morning, there was no question that God was in control, and we were merely the instruments He chose to be in this place at this time.

Our theme for the week is based on Psalm 139: 14 which says, "Give thanks to Lord for I am wonderfully and fearfully made." We have tied in this verse to an overall program based on the five senses - Sight (eyes), Sound (ears), Smell (nose), Taste (tongue), and Touch (skin). Our team was broken down into Arts & Crafts; Bible Study for each age group; Teaching Sessions on the senses; and Recreation with emphasis on games related to each specific sense.

The children - all 150 of them - are quite delightful and fun to not only watch but to interact with. They are broken down by ages into four groups: ages 3-6; ages 7-9; ages 10-12; and youth, ages 13-18. They are so excited to be involved with all the activities, and are eager to learn, but even more eager to learn of how God made each of us and gave us all of these senses.

After lunch, Teleios Team members were divided up and went with Koinonia Baptist Church members to walk the children home where we met and prayed with many of the children's parents or just had a chance to talk and pray with the children.

Upon returning from this first day of visits, each team member realized in a very humbling way, just what it means to simply live each day God gives us as abundantly as possible.

Please continue to pray for us as we minister, witness and lead the children and members of their families toward knowing how awesome God is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandra Greene - You are doing great I know the Lord is using you all mightly. Love you, miss you. Mom, Gamoan

December 10, 2006 3:14 PM  

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