Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday: Good but Tiring Day

First, please ignore misspellings and strange sounding sentences. We try to correct them the day after posting. Wednesday was work, work, work, and more work. The ladies began painting at their usual time. Kenny Owen must have gotten confused because he was at the work site a little after 6 AM. The rest of the construction team made by 6:45 AM. Today was the big day of putting up the trusses and roofing the building. Seemed hotter today and we spent the day drinking lots of water. We ran out of 2x4's, 1x4's, and nails. We had to stop short of completing the building construction today because we ran out of roofing nails with only 3 roofing sheets left to go. There is always Saturday. The team feels pretty good about the work and progress. Today, there was a ladies conference at Kidetete church and the women from Iringa city Acts Fellowship church joined them. Meagan, Lynn, and Bonnie provided teaching on today. (Kelly was the teacher yesterday and still catching a few questions.) They had a great time at Kidetete--Kelly was seen dancing with the women learning how to dance HE-HE (local tribe). The real interesting part of the picture is the contrast in the background of the women. They ranged from University professors to students to small business women to widows (who keep orphans). Their economic status was diverse. Quite a few of the local children dropped by. Everyday at the nursery school sponsored in partnership with the church, DBLCH, and Teleios Ministry 60 children are given porridge for "morning tea" and a lunch of rice or ugali(something like hard grits), greens, beans, and twice a week meat. Caleb spoke in the evening worship time with the children. The women missed the evening worship because they were still coming back from Kidetete. Tomorrow, the team heads for Nzihi Asante Sana Children's Home and from their to Ruaha National Park for a safari. They will return on Friday afternoon. At Nzihi they will meet with the staff, visit with the children, and tour the facilities.


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