Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday: The Sunshine

Thank you for your prayers. No rain today! The sky was overcast for most of the day but by the late afternoon the sun came out. God provided on just the right day. Today was the day that the children made their kites. Every child's kite flew today. They were all so excited. Bonnie said they just keep coming to her and putting their thumbs up with big smiles and laughter--the only English they know. Everyone was excited to see the sun.

The team was not aware of the marathon Wimbledon tennis match but they had their own beach ball volleyball marathon. Over two hours of non-stop, action packed, beach ball volleyball with the children and team. They had a great time. Bonnie and Anna report mud up to your knees. One of the neighbors is providing water. The interesting thing is that the neighbor was not happy about the property being used for the camp. Now, is providing water for the children. The team was laughing about how much the children are eating. No exaggeration but most of these children do suffer from a real lack of food/nourishment. They seem to be stocking up for the winter even though its the beginning of summer.

The children are really understanding the Bible stories, loving the music, and enjoying the learning opportunities.

Bonnie, Anna, and Paul report that when they get home they are going to shower until the water runs out--this team is not thinking green. They have been sleeping on mattresses on the floor for both camps. Waiting on Anna to get a picture of Bonnie crawling out of bed in the morning.

Again thanks for your prayers. With all that is going on, the children are being taught God's word, are hearing the message of Jesus Christ, and are being loved daily in His name. Since they never get to leave their village, they are having their greatest adventure.


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