Thursday, June 17, 2010

Monday-Thursday: Catching up

Wow has this been a challenging camp. Of course, the children loved it. As far as keeping up with the blog. There is no Internet, limited cell service, and at times no electricity. Good news is that one cell phone is working.
Monday: Arrived at camp in the afternoon, the camp was not ready for the children. No food, no water, and one of the buildings was not ready. The children were great according to all reporting parties--Bonnie, Anna, and Paul. The children got into the camp and into bed a little after 11 PM. As they were all getting settled, a monster storm came through. Bonnie reports wet adults but not too bad. For our team, their "rooms" were closet size. Great news is that Paul Crook's Hungarian arrived with him. So, this has been a great help.

Tuesday: Can you say, "10 MILE HIKE". Yes, a ten mile hike in the beautiful Carpathian mountains. Still no prepared food--well the children enjoyed chicken pate sandwiches. The Adults ate whatever snacks they could dig from their belongings. Still no water at camp. While the team and children--47 children-- hiked the workers at the camp continued to try and get it ready for the children. On the hike, Bonnie, Anna, and Paul used innovation and taught the children what they had prepared. Also, there was the opportunity to swim. Bonnie reported that the mountains and streams were beautiful. The storm cleared the air and it was a beautiful day. There was a brief moment of water when they arrived at the camp. Some electricity was available for lighting.

Wednesday: Things continue to improve with each day at the camp. They have now moved into part of the new building. The water situation was because a new well was being drilled. The team was upbeat today as there was hope of water. Also, they now had a bathroom. Bottled water and food was purchased in the nearby town (village). They celebrated with a delicious meal of spaghetti. The children are really enjoying the sessions. Paul brought videos of the earth. With electricity, they now have sound and video. The showers returned late afternoon so no outside activity. Bonnie, Anna, and Paul were really pleased at how the children responded to the indoor games and how well this went.

Thursday: The hope of water and a shower were dashed as the new pipes had a leak. This is supposed to be repaired at any moment--team reports the moments have lasted all day and now to bedtime. Those working on the floors are working at night so the buildings can be used during the day. This work is to be finished today. Life is getting better. Bonnie reports that the children are doing great--so much better than expected. Given the conditions at the camp, their behavior is miraculous. The team thanks you for your prayers--seriously. Pray for water.

Tomorrow brings Kite day. Pray for a good day to fly kites. Pray for the water--rumor has that ice cold sponge baths are wearing thin. Paul said, "No one would believe this! Even if we tell them and show them the pictures." I don't think that Bonnie is going to give up the camera. Talking with the team on the phone, its good to hear them laughing about the events. Speaks so much to their spirit and heart to serve the children.


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