Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gornesti Women's Conference

The first Gornesti Women's Conference was held today fulfilling a dream of Attila Toth and the women of the Reghin and Gornesti area. Sixty women from six different churches and mission areas came to the conference. From the very beginning, it was an exciting time. Teleios Ministry partners donated "door prizes" for ten women who special gifts. Attila, Zozo, and Tihamear led the worship. The men served hot coffee and fruit tea with cinnimon nut bread, poppy sead bread, and fruit bread. Another group of men began preparing the main course for lunch--Hungarian Goulash. The men were so proud of their "serving".

Bonnie taught the women's conference with two sessions in the morning using the theme: Living the Christian Life through Difficult times. The afternoon sessions focused on Marriage and Parenting issues for women. Bonnie finished the conference by preaching from Mark 2:1-12 on the friends helping the paralytic.

The pictures are grouped between the men serving and preparing the goulash and the women's conference. Everyone was so excited by the events of the day and the teaching from Bonnie. This truly was a great day and great beginning of gathering the women of the area together for fellowship, sharing, and teaching.

Tomorrow is another busy day. We are back in Gornesti for Thanksgiving Day which includes prayer time, worship, Lord's Supper, meal together, afternoon worship with special thanksgiving offering. Floyd will preach at each service and Bonnie will share. Then, we will go to Reghin and speak to the church. Our day will end in Apalina with our Roma (Gypsy) friends there. Thank for your prayers and support.


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