Friday, October 16, 2009


This morning Attila and Floyd went to the Selgros (like a Sam's or Costco) in Targu Mures and purchased what was needed for the lunch at the Women's Conference on Saturday. The men are preparing the lunch--pray! people pray! Just across the road from the Selgros was a shepherd and his sheep and goats. You can barely see the shepherd with his covered wagon on the left side of the picture.

At lunch, we had a great time laughing, sharing, and eating with the Vass family. Everyone who comes to Reghin loves being with this great couple. They love the Lord and they love to have people at their home. There is so much food (and its all great). We always laugh a lot and share great time in the Lord.

This evening we went to Apalina. They love Bonnie--the children who have gone to camp in July and for the past two years all came to great her. They surrounded her and hugged her. There were new faces for us at this time. This is great news as the mission is reaching more people. They are so loving and kind to us. Great for Floyd to see friends/brothers and sisters in Christ that he has not seen in a year. Bonnie brought greetings from Katie, Anna, and Mary Beth. Everyone was asking how they were doing and asking when they will return. Floyd preached. In the first picture you see Romeo translating for Bonnie talking with the children. In the last picture the children are showing Bonnie where the 2009 July Camp Quilt made from their pictures hangs in the church room.

We had special prayer for a couple of families. One lady and her son asked for prayer. She supports her family by picking out plastic from the garbage at the city dump to resell. Her son has not been able to hear for a year due to ear problem. The doctor says surgery is required or maybe a hearing aid. We for her and for him.
Please remember Zoli (Zoltan) in your prayers for the healing of his hearing problem.

Our Gypsy friends brought us apples and grapes--a special gift. They also remembered it was Attila birthday yesterday. He was given a chocolate candy bar and sang happy birthday to him.

Tomorrow Bonnie will be teaching in the morning and afternoon at the women's conference. She will also be preaching in the evening worship at the conference. Pray for her as she has a very full day of teaching and preaching.


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