Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday: Each Day Just Gets Better

The morning begins by going over the theme verse and then the Bible Story is taught. Following the Bible story is the creative time. This is a new addition to camp this year brought by Katie McClung.

Official name is Creative Response Time. The team is trying to help every child access the lessons from each story through art. First, the small group leaders lead their kids in a discussion about the story. Through the discussion, each child is led to think of a specific example from their lives that illustrates the truths about God that is being focused on for the day. Then, through various art mediums like crayons, paints, and clay, the children create a visual representation of the connection they have made with the story. Finally the children share their artwork and stories. In the evening, some children share with the whole group (the first posting last week had the older boys sharing from their creative time).

Creative time is followed by the morning swim (and recreation). You can see the pools and river diversion they've built. Look on top of the hill and you will see one of the older boys getting ready to jump. The second picture shows the splash as amazed spectators watch (and wonder is he crazy!) The judges on the rocks do not seem impressed by the jump.

The boats the children are building were painted with very bright colors. The unique designs and colors amazed the team. The children needed little encouragement in creating their sailing vessels. No word yet on the boat regatta.

Usually after craft time, they have their English lessons. Then, everyone gets in on the singing led by Anna and Zozo. The children did two rousing renditions of "Deep and Wide" during the closing worship.

Finally, finally, the first sheep of the camping season came for a visit. The sheep are usually among the guests at camp. This year, they were late for their visit. Tomorrow is the half-way point in the week. Thank you for your prayers for the team.

Also, some photo albums have been published on Facebook. Check them out at Teleios Ministry.


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