Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 6: Last Full Day for Apalina Children

Early this morning, Attila, Adel, and Adel Nagy left the camp for Reghin. Attila had to meet the Romanian Chapel Project team who are putting the roof on the Apalina Mission Center. This significantly reduced the number of pictures as all available hands were occupied, especially early in the day.

Today's st orywas on Jonah and the whale. The creation topic was sea life and water.

The watercolor paints came out and the creativity began to flow. You get to see some of the pictures in their various stages of work.

This is just to share with you some of the unique opportunities that you could have as a staff member at Gypsy (Roma) Children's Camp. One of the neighbors did not like the noise the children were making and that they put their towels on his fence while swimming. The towels were removed, but the neighbor still was not happy. He complained rather loudly to Bonnie, but she did not know what he was saying. After a while, he finished and Bonnie understood he wanted the towels off his fence. The children did this. Bonnie shared with him that the stream was public and everybody in the village swam in it. A little later the police showed up. You should have seen the children scatter. No big deal just funny now how the children scattered. Bonnie and the staff did not know it was "run PO-O-O-O-LICE" time. All was resolved and no one went to jail, paid a fine or anything like that. Just a "misunderstanding" and no problems. The stream is and will be available for swimming for the children.

The cooks ran out of propane gas for the stove. You thought that only happened to men who grilled in America. Ludai put on another tank, but supper was late -- real late. When the dinner bell sounded, STAMPEDE! The picture is of Szidi moving aside as the herd comes for dinner.

The fun part of the evening was playing the traditional game of Gypsy Children's Camp: B-I-N-G-O. You can see that they are enjoying it. Look at how serious they are during the game. No, not sure what Bingo has to do with Jonah, the whale, or water.


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