Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friday: Creating, Competing, and Singing

The theme throughout the week has been on God's creation and how God works in creation. The emphasis is upon when bad days come. Today's Bible story was on the day the sun stood still and the enemies of God had a bad day. Today was a great day for the children, even if the enemies of God had a bad day.

Today in the creative time the team was so excited to be using modeling clay. This clay was purchased in the U.S. and brought over in the suitcases. It came in bags and you add water. The team was sure that TSA would give them fits over it. This was one of the times that they were really looking forward to do with the children. Paul explained the "creative modeling clay" concept to the group. The kids really enjoyed expressing themselves with the clay.

Then came the great competition in racing and other events. Bonnie and Adel Nagy "raced" each other. The report was not on who won but that they both finished the race! Sarah Dyer really did race -- she can run! Bonnie was challenged by the oldest girl to an arm wrestling contest. She may not be a runner but she can arm "wrastle." The girl said Bonnie beat her fair and square. She really tried to beat Bonnie.

Then they played a most "Unchristian" game. You divide up into teams and have "trash" in your yard. The object of this game: Dump your trash in your neighbor's yard without taking any trash from them. HUMMM! Can't seem to find a Bible verse to go with that, but it sure is a great game to play -- flinging "trash" on your neighbor. (I am just kidding -- but this really is the game.)

In keeping with the theme, the kids made celestial mobiles...which the staff enjoyed tying together at midnight. :) They also were able to do some coloring and learn about the stars, moon, and the sun.

Probably should not share this on the blog but it shows how things work out. Paul had the great honor of talking with the boys about sex education. You should ask him when he gets back about this experience. Great story.

Anna led them all in a great time of singing. Morning and evening, it was Day 5.


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