Thursday, March 04, 2010

We Serve An Amazing God PT 2

This afternoon, the children prepared a special reception with banners, waving of flags, music, prayers, and a celebration meal. I say this every time, few things in my life compare with being greeted by the children of Daily Bread Life Children's Home. Every time I see this Children's Home I remember the day that I asked Mpeli, "What is your vision for these children." I remember standing on what is now the Children's Home compound and seeing a corn field with rabbits and dig-dig (small deer). We serve an amazing God.

We serve an amazing God. I arrived and was met with an immediate need--shoes for some of the children who have become youth. Yesterday Halima had asked Neema for shoes. God knew. Months ago we had been given shoes by a lady from Marion, South Carolina. We had extra space so Kip and I brought them. You can imagine Neema's and the children (excuse me youth's) joy when I opened the two containers that had shoes. Coincidence? I don't think so. We serve an amazing God who knows. Also, we had some blankets that had been given. The children love these blankets (microfiber type). They are warm, light, and easy to keep clean.

The children were so happy to see Kip. It's been over a year and a half. They wanted to know how everyone was. So to all who have traveled this way before, I gave them personal greetings from you. Kip spoke for the evening worship on prayer and worry. Then, more singing and dancing--awesome praise! As they sang, "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see you," I looked into their faces and heard their voices; I saw Him high and lifted up, shining in the light of His glory. It was a Holy, Holy time.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal of rice pilau (children's favorite), local chicken from the Kidete farm, cabbage, and beef stew. Ruthi, Jonas, and Benedicta did a great job of cooking. We have a new staff member, Rose. She is the matron and tutor for the secondary school students. The staff brought their greetings. Their lives with the children are a testimony to their calling to serve at DBLCH.

Tomorrow, we start a new tradition. We will have morning worship with the children. It's at 6:30 AM. Then we will eat porridge with them. They will go to school. The children usually wake up around 5 AM to begin their day. We will join them on their schedule.


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