Romania Trip 5/24/06
"It is God's Spirit that changes the atmosphere of our way of looking at things, and then things begin to be possible which before were impossible." ("Getting Into God's Stride", Oswald Chambers "My Utmost For His Highest"). This is an excerpt from the morning devotion the Teleios Team read today and it helped the team to focus and strive to "get into God's stride", especially as the day progressed for the team. It was a busy and productive day with a few frustrating "bumps in the road" that required us to release our individual viewpoint of how things should be done and to focus our eyes upon God's vision for the project so to serve Him as He desires for us and for His work at the camp. Our prayer is that we can continue to be open to God's Spirit during the remainder of the trip so that we may be used as He wills.
After refreshing our memories on how to install the Infiltrator System (via a handy DVD on our laptop), the Teleios Team set out to become Infiltrator System Installers. We loaded a trailer full of Infiltrator chambers (there are 80 to install) and set out for the field. Each member of the team had their "first hand experience" of installing the chambers, except of course the "Boss Lady" because she had to tell the team how to do it - just kidding, and once we had the hang of it, we were able to install a trench full of Infiltrator chambers within 40 minutes. This of course resulted in many "Go Ed, Go Bonnie, Go Floyd, Go Leah, Go Meg" Victory Dances which have become a regular in the field for the Teleios Team. Our Hungarian friends assisting with the work are now quite entertained by our victory dances and I predict very soon we will be doing victory line dances in Hungarian -- Romanian Idol here we come!
The day ended with 8 of the 10 trenches being dug and 5 trenches completed with the Infiltrator System. Work continued on preparing the remaining trenches for receiving the Infiltrator chambers (ensuring they were level and sloped appropriately) and we were grateful for another sunny, dry, hot day. Tomorrow we hope to finish digging the last trenches and installing the remainder of the chambers.
The Teleios Team thanks you for your continued prayers and emails - it has been a real encouragement for us all. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Leah, Ed, Bonnie, Floyd, Meg and 'Becka
One trench down, nine more to go!
Ed and Floyd connect the first chamber of the second trench of the Infiltrator System.
Meg and Floyd begin installing the Infiltrator System in the third trench. The vertical pipes extending from the Infiltrator System are for inspection ports into the system.
Meg and 'Becka prepare the floor of the fifth trench for installation of chambers.
Meg had a chance to "brush off" her interview skills and interview Leah - let's see what Leah had to say....
Leah ("Sewer Princess in training" in the red hat) helps with the bucket brigade on Tuesday.
Meg - Why did you sign up for this mission trip?
Leah - Because I wanted to see a different place and I thought I could help.
Meg - In this first week, what has been the most challenging adjustment you have had to make compared to home?
Leah - Not being able to understand most of the people and adjusting to the time change, plus not having my sisters running around me.
Meg - In what way do you see God's hand at work in this project?
Leah - By figuring out how to communicate with others and letting us have what we need as far our equipment goes, even if it's not what we are used to working with at home.
Meg - What part of the job have you enjoyed the most?
Leah - The digging and filling in of the trenches.
Meg - What part of the job have you liked the least?
Leah - Having to wear my white Tyvek suit, because it's hot and too big.
Meg - What would you tell your friends at home if they if they felt like they couldn't participate in a mission trip like this one (if they thought they were too young, etc.)?
Leah - I'd say you never know until you try, and you should always try new things because it builds character in your life.
Meg - What character building aspects have you seen in yourself these first few days?
Leah - Developing perseverance.
Meg - Have you seen anything with the wastewater system project that you'd like to explore as possible career?
Leah - No.
Meg - What is one thing as far as character building traits you hope to continue to develop when you get home?
Leah - Perseverance and hard work.
Meg - Are you having fun?
Leah -Yes, I am having fun.
Meg - How is the food?
Leah - The food is really good - I think dessert is my favorite part.
I've enjoyed reading about your progress each day. I hope and pray that you continue to overcome the next day's challenges as God is certainly at your side. Sending sunny days from Spartanburg to the project and would like for you to send your rain back here! In closing... Go Ya'll Go, Go Ya'll Go, Go Ya'll Go.
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