Thursday, May 18, 2006

Romania Trip 5/18/06

First Day On The Job.....Let's Meet Ed

The first day on the job was a busy one for the Teleios Team. Team members got an early start on the day which was spent coordinating supplies, locating the area for the new Infiltrator System for the camp, working with the backhoe operator and dancing between the raindrops.
Activities for the day included: (1) Capturing the GPS coordinates for the camp sewer infrastructure; (2) Locating an area to divert a groundwater drainage area from the location of the future Infiltrator System; (3) Purchasing sewer pipe and the fittings for the Infiltrator System;(4) Digging the trench for the sewer line that connects the existing septic tank to the Infiltrator System; (5) Laying out the chamber trenches for the Infiltrator System.
Meg and Leah capture the GPS coordinates for the wastewater infrastructure at the camp.
Bonnie, Floyd and Ed supervise the excavation for the sewer line trench for the sewer line connecting the septic tank to the Infiltrator System.
Needless to say, it was a busy first day with intermittent rain and persistent jet lag for the team. The Lord continues to show us that He is looking over the project as we learned that the Infiltrator System would be shipped from Poland to Camp Harghita tomorrow and arrive on Monday. In addition, with all of the necessary "digging" that was needed for the sewer line and groundwater diversion lines, we encountered very few rocks to hinder the excavation activities.
The Teleios Team thanks you for your continued prayers and support and we ask that you continue to pray for the team - for strength, adequate rest that restores our bodies for each day's work, and for our work in Romania to be to God's glory and His vision for Camp Harghita.
Ed Arnold, a.k.a.,"Ed Norton", measures the diameter of a groundwater drain that must be diverted from the location of the new Infiltrator System to be installed at Camp Harghita. Leah interviewed Ed and here is what he had to say....

Leah: What are your impressions of Romania?
Ed: It's very beautiful. The people are very friendly and the climate is wonderful.

Leah: What do you think of the camp?
Ed: The camp is God sent and will help people come to the Lord. A lot of fruit will transpire from it.

Leah: Why do you think wastewater is interesting?
Ed: It's a natural element that we live with. In which we need to respect and increase our knowledge about.

Leah: Do you have a background in wastewater?
Ed: I had thirty-one years in wastewater at the Ware Shoals Wastewater Facility in SC.

Leah: If you had a chance to do something eles what would it have been?
Ed: Nothing, unless I could have become a doctor and make millions of dollars.

Leah: How do you like the food?
Ed: Very good.

Leah: What was your veiw of the long wait at the railroad crossing on the road to Camp Harghita?
Ed: The time waiting could be improved and used for better things.


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