Monday, September 01, 2014

Dream Becomes A Reality in Business

Business Group

Garry Freeman, Bill Kenny, Kip Miller and Floyd Parker through Teleios Ministry partnered with Bernard Kabaru Mwangi with Robert Godfrey to bring together business owners who follow Jesus Christ for a two day conference at the Westwood Hotel, Nyeri.    This has been a long time dream of Bernard’s and together the dream became a reality for all those who came together August 29-30.  

All of us arrived in Kenya with no problems over a couple of day.   When Bill and Kip arrived we headed for the Blue Post Hotel, Thika, for a quick nights rest.
Nairobi at Night
Then, Friday, early in the morning we headed to Nyeri to start the conference.   This was Kip’s second time in Kenya teaching on Biblical principles in business.   For Bill this was his first time to Kenya and his first time to share in how his faith in Christ guides his business.   Garry has been in involved over the years through Teleios Ministry in partnership with Bernard and Mary Kabaru in developing businesses.  

Nairobi at Night heading to the Airport
The conference provided practical business teaching based on the specific needs of those gathered, encouragement through Scripture on business as a calling and gift from God, and perspective on the teaching of Scripture on business.   Each participant shared about themselves and their businesses including the challenges and opportunities that they faced.    Paul operates bottled gas and banking agent business. Mary operates a nursery/primary school. Margaret leads a hair salon, a beauty products business, and a clothing store.  James has a café and catering business.  Sampson operates bookshops.  George was the most diversified with farming, a Safaricom shop, electronics shops, and other businesses.   Aaron is a pastor and George’s son and operates business. 

The group was very active in questions and in responding to each other’s challenges, opportunities, and successful practices.   As the two conference ended, Kabaru asked, “What insights or new ideas came from the conference?”   I (Floyd) watched a 3ft x 6ft white board fill up.   Many shared the same insights but each business person seemed to have a unique insight that they were taking away.   Also, we spent time taking about the “Way Forward”.    They Kenyan business persons set a date for a follow gathering.   They are developing networks for coming together as business owners for accountability, innovation, and addressing the challenges of business.   Targeted seminars will be developed to address specific needs.   The use of mentoring relationships to develop other business owners and business persons in their pursuit of following Jesus in business was a conscientious of the group.  On Friday afternoon we took a walking tour of the business district of Nyeri--great exercise in learning about the realities of Kenyan small business.  


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