Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Monday: A great day with the children

Monday began at 6 AM as Floyd and Mpeli left for Kidetete and points beyond to cut livestock feed. We picked up Cairo, he takes care of the DBL Farm in Kidetete, and drove another hour to gather the feed. The government has an irrigation project and one of the farmers is a friend of Mpeli. He let us cut green grass and dried cornstalks for the animals. Doesn't sound to difficult until you realize you are climbing up hill about a mile high in altitude. I learned quickly not to make sure the dirt was off the corn stalk beyond putting it on my shoulder and back to carry. I wish there were pictures but no. The adventure did make local gossip as those in the irrigation plot area were amazed at the "white man" carrying the stalks. At the local hang out, I am sure they were taking bets on my ability to make it up the hill.

Bonnie continued her teaching with a new wrinkle. The power went out and she had to improvise. The generator that was installed almost two years ago proved worthy. Soon Bonnie was operating on generator power for the projector.

In the afternoon, we traveled to Nzihi. This was a very moving and humbling experience. There are now 15 children at the children's home. The plan is to double the size (a little further in the story). Bonnie and I met Elisabeth (pictured sitting)who is 2.5 years old and has a congenital heart problem. While she was standing up with the other children we were told to just place our hands on her chest. Even with her clothes on we could feel her heart racing and the strange beat that it had. Neema had noticed Elisabeth's size and eventually her heart irregularity. After a process of local doctors, she is being sent to a Government Referral Hospital in Mbeya. Eventhough medical care for orphans is free. The cost of the referral for Elisabeth is $400. Teleios Ministry partner, ACTS Fellowship, has provided the funds for the referral hospital costs. Please pray for Elisabeth and her care.

Now the rest of the story, Bonnie and I enjoyed getting to Esau again. On an earlier trip we wrote about him and he is pictured (He is hold Bonnie's hand beside the bed). Esau saw Bonnie and I and the biggest smile came across his face. He came and got our hands and a hug around took place. Esau is HIV positive and through undesignated funds given to Teleios Ministry he receives a special diet and treatment.

We also met the Regional Commissioner for Social Welfare and Public Health. He is a great friend of Daily Bread Life Children's Home. He expressed his gratitude for the willingness of Teleios Ministry partners to work with Daily Bread and the Tanzanian government in providing the highest quality care for the orphans. He is the one who asked Mpeli and Neema to take control of the Nzihi Children's Home (also called Asante Sana). Mpeli had the information on two orphans that are joining the Daily Bread Life Children's Home family: one at DBL in Iringa and the other at Asante Sana in Nzihi. Meeting the Regional Commissioner and seeing his heart for the children was a blessing. Also, seeing the respect that he has for Neema and Mpeli was also a blessing.

On Monday night, the shoes given by Teleios partners were distributed to the children and some of the staff (the larger sizes). Everyone had a great time trying on shoes and giving a little fashion show once the shoe fit. Bonnie and I wish that you could be here and receive the hugs for the shoes.

With great pride, I (Floyd) introduce to you Doctor Floyd Parker. The newest baby at Daily Bread Life Children's Home Baby Care. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement on this trip.

A reminder partners are still being sought for the Nzihi Asante Sana Children's Home. Current funding ends December 31. Thank you for your prayers as God provides for the care of these children.


Blogger Zambo Dalma said...

God bless you dear Floyd and Bonnie. I'm glad to read about you and the children. I pray for you.

December 07, 2010 2:10 PM  

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