Monday, December 06, 2010

Sunday is Women's Day

Sunday morning Bonnie and I split up and went in separation directions. I preached at Ruaha College Student and Faculty worship. Bonnie went with Neema to the Kidetete Church for Women's Day. Bonnie preached from Esther. The women had prepared special music, testimonies, and prayer time. They had a great day. Also, they had a fund-raising to expand the sanctuary because of the churches' growth. Last report was a total of 94,000 TSH.

Mpeli and I joined the Kidetete service just about in time for the fund raising. The youth choir sang and the praise team presented special music. Bonnie and Neema left to go back to the children's home. Mpeli wanted to visit the animals. As we headed to the farm, one of the newest church members had passed out on the side of the road. Mpeli and I rushed him to the hospital. You cannot imagine what rushing is like on dirt and rock Tanzanian roads. We got him to the hospital. Thank God the head doctor and the nurses knew Mpeli. When we arrived at the emergency there was no one there. Nurses came when they saw Mpeli. The sad news is that the man died today (Monday) Please remember his wife and family in your prayers. Also, pray for the funeral tomorrow afternoon. I will be preaching.

We praise the Lord that our luggage arrived Sunday afternoon. Just in time, clothing supplies were running low.

In the afternoon, Mpeli met with the Secondary age Students and Bonnie and I got to participate. The great news is that all those who took the national entrance exam for secondary school passed. One young man (in all truthfulness he never has done exceptional. At one time he was a real discipline problem. Mpeli had asked me about helping get into a technical school) made one of the highest marks in the region. He was invited to go to the top secondary school. Everyone including him was shocked. Now we will have seven secondary school students. Please remember to pray for them and for their support. Their school fees were listed in the Christmas catalog. They are a great group of young men and women.

Tomorrow if the electricity holds out I will finally catch up with the posting. It was off all day today. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.


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