Participants in the Leadership Conference.
Question: When does the Friday night disco at the Blue Post Hotel close?
Answer: Saturday morning at 5:30 a.m.
Saturday morning, the team traveled back to Mu’ranga for the final conference session. We woke up to the rain and another “rock and roll” drive. The closing session was very special to us. Zech and Floyd received special gifts of umbrellas (every Kikuyu man has one), and Bonnie and Anne received beautiful all-purpose shawls (for cleaning, keeping warm, when birthing a child, carrying a child, etc.) As final expressions of love and thanksgiving, we all received generous packets of local tea. Zech bid farewell to his new-found friends—they came to say good-bye even in the rain. The team was reminded again that this was the first leader training conference that they had held. They had never had a children’s leader conference. The pastors began organizing small groups to encourage one another and meet on a regular basis. The team was invited to return and asked to do traveling training next year.
After leaving Mu’ranga we enjoyed a great tour of a coffee estate. The manager had been in North Carolina visiting friends and was returning after the coffee season. The team was amazed at the “weapons of the guards”—genuine bows and arrows (with serious tips). We then traveled to see the local market in Limuru, the Great Rift Valley from its 8,000-foot rim—a beautiful site, and enjoy a beautiful ride through downtown Nairobi. We were able to shop with our friend, Judith, for special prices on our special gifts. Judith’s mother has been very sick in the hospital. We prayed with her and encouraged her. She has the best prices ever! They know Floyd every where the team goes. Judith said, “Oh, you’re back, and you brought friends.” While standing on the rim of the Great Rift Valley, Bernard said to Floyd, “Your brother is on the phone.” We live in a small world.
Sunday was a special day for the team with Bernard, Mary, and Carolyn Mwangi. First, we worshipped together at Koinonia Baptist Fellowship (which is now one year old). Zech and Anne participated with the children’s leaders. During the worship, Anne and Zech gave their greetings and testimonies. Floyd preached. The three-hour Bible study and worship service was a special time of joyful singing, dancing, testimonies, preaching, and praying. The church was excited to hear the greetings from the U.S. and Romanian churches. Also, they were excited to learn that people around the world were praying for them and the worship service.
Zech and Anne were introduced to the Kentmere Club for lunch in the Highlands (We arranged for the Teleios Team to stay here for the December partnership with Koinonia). How many large fruit punch drinks can Zech drink? Bonnie gave her usual botany lesson as we walked the grounds covered in flowers—even a pineapple plant. Our three-hour worship was followed by a two-and-a-half hour lunch. Zech, Anne, Bonnie, Bernard, Mary, and Carol shopped at the Masai Market for last-minute souvenirs.
Sunday night, Bill Jordan joined our team in Nairobi. Now, it’s time to say good-bye to the Mwangis and Kenya. Anne and Mary spent the evening coloring alphabet books. Everyone is looking forward to being back in December. All pray to return. Anne left “a whole bunch of stuff,” including a part of her heart.
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